Founder and President Barbara Nethery

Barbara is a sought out Certified Speaker, author of two books, Teacher, Motivator, Certified Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Social Entrepreneur, and Etiquettes Consultant. Business owner for more than 28 years. Mother of a veteran and a resident of Bay County since 1981 

Vice President: Blake Nethery

He is a great motivational speaker. Assistant in helping others receive VA benefits. Conducts organization meetings, assisting in physical therapy.

Secretary: Stacie Kimmel

Licensed Insurance agent, and a Business owner, Stacie has experience working with the elderly. Experienced in assisting others to obtain Insurance and collect benefits.

Treasure: Kimberley Blackwell

Kimberly has worked at Bay Medical Center for eight years, and Bay District Schools for twenty-eight years, with six as Food Service Director while overseeing thirty-six schools with an eight million dollar budget. She was with the Boys and Girls Club of Bay County for four years, leading the funding for the Summer Feeding Program. She is a Registered Dietician, and currently retired.