Happy House

Sept 10, 2022


904 E 23rd St PC FL

Happy House

Presented by Local Author and Business Owner Barbara Nethery

Simple and Easy Instructions on how to start a professional Housekeeping Business with 300.00 or less

Requested Donation including book $50.00

I am a girl; every girl knows how to clean a house. Hello Remember the Carol Brunette photo that was so popular. The lady with the mop and her foot in the bucket? These images could portray a poor, uneducated, overworked woman that is barely getting by — these are not the pictures of a professional housekeeper of today.

Who is a Housekeeper? Anyone who wants to earn from 10,000 to 100,000 can benefit from this industry if you are retired, this is a great way to bring in extra income, and you can choose how much you want to work. The steps to getting started are easy and quick. Let’s go over the steps together. Happy Cleaning

Email: PanamaCityPrayerCenter@mail.com

Phone 850-532-7788


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