
I would have to start off by simply saying, we don’t have all the answers. Our hearts are for those whom fought for our freedom but are now sick and need our help. Statistics Give us the most accurate account of what we are facing. I would encourage you to read those statistics here.

We believe everything starts with prayer, one great leader said. “God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” — John Wesley

70% of homeless veterans have substance abuse problems

We need your help to provide professionals for our substance abuse meetings. If you are a professional that can help us, and volunteer your time. We need your help. Contact the office 850-532-7788 ask for Barbara.

Other Donations

We need Revenue to pay for a building and expenses. This is our greatest need. We also accept other donation such as:

  • Cash
  • Homes
  • Cars
  • Golf Carts
  • Motor Bikes
  • Boats
  • Anything that can be converted into revenue will be greatly appreciated.

Most importantly, even if you cannot give anything, pray and be kind to one another, especially homeless people; I have heard people say, many choose to live that way. But Jesus said no one in their right mind abuses themselves but will pamper themselves. I must remind myself that this could be my son or my daughter. Jesus also said to watch out for how we treat people; we never know what we may be in the presence of an angel. Finally, PTSD is a mental illness. We will get them to the right place to get professional help. We will help them find any benefits they qualify for from any source. While the VA has done everything they can to help, they often can’t or won’t ask for help. If we can gain their trust, maybe, just maybe, we can lead them to where they need to be and save them.

Monetary Donations

We are a 501 3c Nonprofit so you will receive tax deduction for you giving. Thank You